We have seen a revolution in Endodontics in the last two decades. We are convinced clinically to follow the crown-down technique in clinics since Root Canal Treatment is a blind procedure. In Modern Endodontics. measuring the working length is the most important stage. Radiographs are two-dimensional. so they have limitations in locating canals that are opening laterally. The only way to confirm the authentic length of a root canal is by using an electronic apex locator. Many times a clinician has to open the pulp chamber in a tooth’s existing silver filling or metal crown. While performing endo therapy. one needs to use an apex locator to confirm the working length of each canal. Since apex locators are based on electronic current, there is a possibility of leakage of the current because of a silver filling or metal crown. Clinicians may get faulty readings due to this leakage. Where you are not getting proper or stable readings with the apex locator or if you see a lot of fluctuations on the graph. then it may be a leakage of the current. It is advisable to use i-sleeves in such canals. Pre-endodontic filling or blocking all carious tooth structures with filling is mandatory before using I-the sleeve. Day by day we are trying to achieve more perfection and ease in using the apex locator and i – Sleeve is a good help. Sometimes. the clinician may find oral tissue like tongue, cheek, or lips interfere with the Apex Locator readings, i-Sleeve will prevent leakage of the current. If you use an I-sleeve on every hand K -file while measuring the working length, leakage is avoided due to the insulating effect of the I-sleeve on the K file, and a stable reading in the apex locator can be achieved. Non sterile – Non autoclavable Recommended sterilization – pour alcohol on i – Sleeve.
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